Mustang Pride
I watched my little sister's soccer team

She's like a daughter to me sometimes. We're 10 1/2 years apart. I've been there for every moment of her development. I am so proud of her today. She only played 15 minutes of the game. Her one real talent in soccer is her ability to throw the ball at least 15 yards at a time. I don't know where she got the upper body strength that she has , but she can beat all the rest of us in arm wrestling and has for the last three years! She doesn't play much because she isn't fast, but her heart... She's 100% when she's on the field, and even when she's off. She didn't put her warm-ups on for the whole second half of the game, just to show Coach that she was ready to go in if she got the chance. I did mention it felt like 19 degrees, right?
I may never have children. I may never get married. I'm not sure of the future yet, and I am so grateful for this young woman in my life. Forgive me, I'm having an emotional moment, but I never knew I would love my siblings this much. I feel like she's mine, you know?
My little sister is the most beautiful person in my life. Love makes us all beautiful.
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