Monday, March 19, 2007

I'm not dead yet!

Well, I'm not! I haven't been here for a couple months, and I am sorry. I'm sorry to those of you who actually visit and I miss the chance to keep posting my photos. It's been a busy, hectic, anxious couple of months, including a car accident that took my car from me for almost a month. I'm injury-free, thank goodness, but financially it took it's toll. I'm back on my feet, though, and two days away from turning the big 3-0....

This was the very beginning of March, on a perfect Friday afternoon... the sun was just starting to go down and the sky was a perfect blue.

This was not such a perfect day.... the sun was out, but it was a high of about 8 degrees that day. The walkway goes out into the lake, which was frozen over. Where the stone wall ends on the right is the beginning of the water.

This is my parents' cat... the snow was so high that she could actually climb up on TOP of the birdhouse if she wanted. This seemed to be her preferred position, though.... but I don't think the birds were falling for it!

I hope you all are doing well, and I'll be around for a visit here soon!


At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Chicago winters were tough . . .

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Thank you.

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

Welcome back!!

A high of 8 degrees would be pure hell for me.
I start to shiver at around 60 degrees.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cat photo!!

I must be your b-day TODAY, since it is two days past your post date.

I'm 43, so the BIG 3-0 is not so big to me.
The BIG 4-0 has come and gone for me, and I've mangaged to survive it.
I wish you a marvelous decade of good health and accomplishment of many of your life goals until you hit the big 4-0, by which time I will nearly be in the grave. :)

It's good to hear from you again!!!

At 8:02 PM, Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

Okay, little missy!
It's high time for another post.
A photo or two would be nice. :)


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