I'm not dead yet!
Well, I'm not! I haven't been here for a couple months, and I am sorry. I'm sorry to those of you who actually visit and I miss the chance to keep posting my photos. It's been a busy, hectic, anxious couple of months, including a car accident that took my car from me for almost a month. I'm injury-free, thank goodness, but financially it took it's toll. I'm back on my feet, though, and two days away from turning the big 3-0....

This was not such a perfect day.... the sun was out, but it was a high of about 8 degrees that day. The walkway goes out into the lake, which was frozen over. Where the stone wall ends on the right is the beginning of the water.

I hope you all are doing well, and I'll be around for a visit here soon!
I thought Chicago winters were tough . . .
Thank you for your recent comments on my blog, Death By Children.
I implore you to subscribe via email and to tell everyone you know about the extraordinary service this blog offers: we help you spit milk through your nose.
Thank you.
Welcome back!!
A high of 8 degrees would be pure hell for me.
I start to shiver at around 60 degrees.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cat photo!!
I must be your b-day TODAY, since it is two days past your post date.
I'm 43, so the BIG 3-0 is not so big to me.
The BIG 4-0 has come and gone for me, and I've mangaged to survive it.
I wish you a marvelous decade of good health and accomplishment of many of your life goals until you hit the big 4-0, by which time I will nearly be in the grave. :)
It's good to hear from you again!!!
Okay, little missy!
It's high time for another post.
A photo or two would be nice. :)
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