I'm a little heavy-hearted today. I got a call that my friend's mother died... and I'm glad she's no longer suffering... but it's not easy. I will see him next week, when I go on vacation (WOO HOO!!!) and I just want to hug him. It's only been 8 weeks since she was diagnosed. How appropriate, though, that she die just before Memorial Day. She was an incredible woman and mother, and she served in the Navy.
I received another phone call today. It was from the supervisor at a job I held while home from college breaks- I worked making phone calls for the American Heart Association- and she told me one of the women I worked with during my time there died on Saturday. This woman was in her early 50's, diagnosed with cancer a month ago, and died of septic shock after her first chemo treatment.
Two fine women... and so I remember them today, in the spirit of Memorial Day.
And in the midst of death, there is life.... This is the 11 day old nephew of my sister-in-law. I met him on Saturday and just stared at him... his tiny little fingers and fingernails... a newborn always amazes me.
This lil peanut is my cousin's daughter... she's a nutcase and a sweetheart and a terror.... she was picking the fuzzy dandelions and telling herself stories... And here's her cousin... a lil shy boy who kept running away when I tried to take his picture... sweet lil angel face, but man, can he SCREAM!!
Children immediately want to see their pictures after they are taken. This meant I had to take a series of "silly face" pictures.... about 10 of them total. The cherub in the middle is the most creative. The boys kept making the same, signature silly face over and over again.
It was the way I wanted to celebrate Memorial Day- surrounded by family, and life, yet remembering why we do this. My grandfather fought in the Pacific arena in WWII, doing photo recon. He saw almost all of his unit die in combat. He would get teary-eyed talking about them up until his death in 1996. I memorialize him, and all those who have sacrificed for our country and for their families.
In Memory of Deborah and Katherine, May 27th and 28th, 2006.