The Ones I Wish I Could Give

Two more days until Christmas. There are a few people I would like to give gifts to that I don't have the resources to do so.
To my sisters in Carae Domini: I give you all faith, hope and love for each other and your families. I give you a renewed zeal for what you are each called to and a fervor for loving Christ. I give you who face graduation calm despite the fears of moving on. To those of you who graduated years ago, I give the feeling of community with your sisters again, no matter how far away they are.
To the Kelleys: I give miraculous and instantaneous healing to my godchild. I give relief of all owed medical expenses. Knowing these first two are impossible for me to give, I bestow unending prayer that these will happen.
To P and G: I give acceptance in the face of judgement. I give love in the face of misunderstanding. I give hope in the face of fear.
To L: I give success and the removal of all fear from your heart. I'd also love to give you a new car!! I give you love beyond measure.
To J: I give relief from worry, and perseverance. I give patience with those who don't try to understand.
To Jac: I give faith. Bearing in mind you may not accept it, I give love and hope for better things to come. And I give you an edge up on getting the house!
To C: I give freedom from the oppression of cynicism and despair. I give you 4wheel drive and a kinder, more respectful landlord.
To R: I want to give you my heart. I want to give you what you ask for. I give you patience and understanding until I am able to freely give you what you need.
To everyone- May the joy of this season fill you completely and never let you go. May we remember what it is at Christmas that we celebrate, whatever that is for you. I celebrate the coming of Hope and Freedom in the form of a child. May you and yours find all that you need in this Christmas and in the coming new year.